• As the best qualified candidate, to bring integrity and experience to the sheriffs office.

  • To provide exemplary leadership to the Office of the Sheriff to maximize efficiency. 

  • To better use current budget funds to better protect the citizens of Van Zandt County. 

  • To cooperate with the Commissioners Court and surrounding agencies by providing better service to the citizens of Van Zandt County.

  • To provide a better quality of life for the citizens by raising land value by lowering crime.

​​​​​I am not seeking or accepting campaign donations. 
As the Chief law enforcement officer in the county, the Sheriff should be above reproach. Accepting money compromises that position. 
I am personally funding my own campaign. 
For those who feel strongly about donating, please forward your money to http://www.shrinershospitalsforchildren.org or other worthy causes. 

Many thanks and God bless,  

Big Tony

Political Ad Paid For by Änthony Big Tony Katsoulas for Sheriff, Treasurer:Tracy Katsoulas P.O. Box 911, Canton Texas 75103

Who is Big Tony?


Debate Schedule

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Primary Voting         March 1st 2016

Everything you need to know about how to vote for Big Tony. 

Meet and Greet

Find out about upcoming events Big Tony will be attending. 

upcoming events

Blessed be the Lord my Rock, 

Who trains my hands for war,

And my fingers for battle

​Psalm 144:1 (NKJV) 

My name is Anthony Katsoulas. I'm known as "Big Tony."  

I am running for Sheriff of Van Zandt County, Texas.

I started my law enforcement career in January of 1979, in the second largest police department in the world with approximately 20,000 members.

During my career I have worked all facets of police duties. 

I have made thousands of arrests for a wide variety of offenses including drugs, murder and government corruption.

Over the years I have come to understand what the citizens need and expect from their law enforcement and I feel that they are not getting what they deserve. Over the last few sheriff terms the crime rate has gone up and property values have gone down leaving the citizens of Van Zandt county to live in the 4th most dangerous county in the United States according to Google (2015). 

When I'm elected I will address these issues and pledge to provide a better quality of life for our children and families. Together we can make Van Zandt County a safe and pleasurable place to live and work again.